Water Treatment facility is located in Finfrock Park at the south edge of the corporation limits of the Village of Quincy. Mike Weber, the Village Administrator, is the current operator of record.
Water payments may be paid through a drop box at 115 North Miami Street in Quincy (on the side of the building where the Fire Department is located). Current charges for residents are $30 for water – flat fee. There is a $15 surcharge. Bills are due on the last day of each month. Payments can only be in the form of a check or money order (NO CASH, DEBIT OR CREDIT CARDS).
| Quincy Water Sewer Agreement (PDF) |
Village Administrator: 937-570-5759
Billing Questions, Call: 937-585-5314

The Quincy – DeGraff Wastewater Plant is jointly owned and operated by both communities. The facility was replaced in 2003 and was financed by a grant and loan package that is paid off in year 2034. The oxidation ditch style facility has a rating of 0.5 million gallons a day with a maximum of 1.5 million gallons per day hydraulic capacity.
The collection system consists of approximately nine miles of gravity sewers. It also consists of one lift station and one large pump station that pumps the wastewater three miles to the joint wastewater plant for treatment. The collection system was originally installed in 1972.
The collection system is intended to collect sewage from homes such as toilets, bathtubs, washers, and sinks. The system is a separate system from the Villages Storm Water system which is intended to remove rainwater from catch basins, drains, sump pumps, downspouts and etc. This clean water messes up the nutrient balance and microbiology at the wastewater plant plus adds cost such as a lot of extra electricity, equipment sizing and cost, and pump wear from extra run time needed due to the clean water entering the collection system. One challenge the Village faces is making your sewage bill affordable which can only be done by fixing the system and removing the clean water from it. On a daily average the village pumps and treats an extra 150,000 gallons of clean water a day. This creates an estimated 65% of extra cost to the system which your bills are based on. This is the real reason your sewage bill may be too high. The village will continue to grout/seal sewers and will be enforcing the removal of illegal clean water connections in effort to help with this issue.
There is a separate monthly charge of $39.50 for the Village of Quincy Sewer Lift Station. This bill is included with the $30 water charge and the $15 surcharge, which is communicated above. The total monthly utility bill is $80.00 per month – due on the last day of each month.
For start-up of utility services, there is a $132.00 deposit fee and payment agreement.
| Quincy Water Sewer Agreement (PDF) |
Village Administrator: 937-570-5759
Billing Questions, Call: 937-585-5314
The Street & Maintenance Department is headed by Village Administrator Mike Weber and is responsible for street maintenance, snow removal, and organizing projects outsourced to the county and state.
For questions or to report a street issue, please call 937-570-5759.
The Village of Quincy offers FREE recycling services. Recyclable materials may be delivered at the Maintenance Building at 103 Logan Street. There are signs on location providing instructions on where and how to deposit recycling materials.
Free trash collection is also available after purchasing a bag for $3 bags of trash may be delivered to the 103 Logan Street location at no charge.
Hazardous materials are not accepted.
For questions, please call 937-599-1253.
The Village of Quincy has a 1% income tax for anyone who lives and/or works within corporation limits. This fund is collected and distributed by the Regional Income Tax Agency. Village tax forms may be obtained at https://www.ritaohio.com/.